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Gears have long been indispensable components in wide range of industries, including mechanical engineering, automotive engineering and industrial gear manufacturing. As a result, the transmission technology industry is facing an increasing number of challenges in response to changing market demands. In the modern gear transmission industry, competition is not only determined by price, but also by load-carrying capacity, operational reliability, and noise excitation behavior. In the automotive industry, reliable transmissions with high power density, low weight, and minimal noise emissions are required. The current trend towards e-mobility, as well as general ecological and economical challenges to improve resource efficiency, lead to increased demands on the entire process chain in gear production. The 2024 Aachen Conference on Gear Production (ACGP), jointly organized by the WZL at RWTH Aachen University and the Research Association for Drive Technology (FVA), will cover a range of gear production topics, including gear design, soft and hard machining, process and quality control, and gear operation. The conference will also highlight Manufacturing X and OPC UA as key topics, demonstrating how digitalization and system integration enhance flexibility and efficiency in gear production. The spectrum of topics ranges from process and tool design in line with requirements to the manufacturing of individual gear geometries and measures for continuous quality assurance. The discussion will also explore digitalization and strategies for improving sustainability in gear production and application.
Autor Bergs, Thomas; Brecher, Christian (Eds.)
Erscheinungsdatum 17.12.2024
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Sie bewerten:Aachen Conference on Gear Production. Innovations in Gear Technology. 6th – 7th November 2024

Getriebetechnik, Maschinendynamik und Robotik

Bergs, Thomas; Brecher, Christian (Eds.)

Aachen Conference on Gear Production. Innovations in Gear Technology. 6th – 7th November 2024

ISBN: 978-3-98555-233-7
Lieferzeit: 2-3 Tage
84,00 €
inkl. 7% MwSt.


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This year’s Aachen Conference on Gear Production will focus on the whole gear manufacturing chain. The objective of the Aachen Conference on Gear Production is an exchange of knowledge and experience between engineers working in the design, development, production, assembly, and application of gear drives. The individual technical presentations will feature both manufacturers of machines and tools as well as end users. Manufacturing X and OPC UA are key topics, demonstrating how digitalization and system integration enhance flexibility and efficiency in gear production. The program will be completed with interesting presentations from research experts.

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